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Sally Sue
Sally Sue
5 years ago

Seems like Bill is the one that really should be stopped — he seems to have turned into a total predator

5 years ago
Reply to  Sally Sue

Hello Sally. This is Sasha. Thank you for your comment. It is a symbiotic relationship. Bill has found a place where his compulsive womanizing is lauded as a service to humanity and the Welcomed Consensus has found a devotee who provides a steady flow of customers/recruits, and yes…it all needs to stop.

5 years ago
Reply to  Sally Sue

Hi Sally, this is Christine. I first met Bill when he was married to Susan. Susan is now RJ’s 1# belly warmer. I have known them both for over 20 years. Although Bill had some native intelligence and A LOT of anger issues, he was never refined and couldn’t actually keep a relationship going longer than a few months without the Welcomed Consensus helping. RJ has given Bill a place to thrive and hone his skills. Even more dangerous, he now has the women of the Welcomed Consensus to coach him on finding and seducing more woman into their group. Sheri is is the one managing him right now and they talk almost everyday.

Don’t be mistaken, Bill has been the subjected to thought reform techniques as well. He is completely manipulated by the Welcomed Consensus. Adding all that to someone who already has their own abuse story and a proclivity to violence towards women is lethal. Bill attacked another a woman I know and it was only the community that kept him from being exposed. The Welcomed Consensus not only helped justify what Bill did but actively worked on suppressing the incident and shunning the person he hurt. This had the desired effect of shaming her into silence. We were still friends at the time and he has never had the courage to face me since. For some reason I think Bill will show up at my door someday. He and I were never romantically involved but we had plenty of heart to hearts and were close at times. I hold hope he will find the help needs to break away and repair all the shit he’s been carrying around since childhood.

Thanks for reading and commenting!

Greg Pearson
Greg Pearson
5 years ago

Sasha: your story is really a great one, and I hope you’re in a safe place now. My wife Annetta and I have known RJ and crew since 1986 when RJ and Wendy were starting to take More House courses. We took a number of courses with them from 86-88, at which time RJ and crew, now w/ Sheri (sister Shawn lived us in 89-90) and Francoise joining the crew. Our friend Kim Kylo had moved on from More House to Joost St, where she met her husband to be, Tom Williams. From the late 80’s until maybe 1994 we pretty much kept our distance – RJ’s drinking and combative nature made being around him like playing with matches at a fireworks store – but helped Free the Need put on a benefit in 94. We were much more involved with our pals in Lafayette, live about 2 miles away from 80 and really prefer “the original” to the copy. Later I became a good friend of Millie + Ginger and helped mentor Ginger to get a scholarship at UC. I’ve spent some time over the 4th of July up at Smith River about 6 years ago and had a fun time, but that’s it. When Christine started this blog, Sheri called me up to see if I knew anything about Christine’s history and/or desires to quash RJ’s public act, as well about the RJ/Christine story. I said that indeed I remember the sorts of interactions that happened around Christine, Wendy and Sheri’s intro to their world, and that what Christine says is, to me, “plausibly possible, and probably not an invented memory or fiction”. And that’s where I’ve left it.Don’t have any real desire to see any more of those folk – though I do feel a little sad about Ginger and Mallie’s participation in the RJ hoax. And while, maybe, its better to say nothing and not offend anyone – as I’m sure they read all the entries published on this blog, to paraphrase Clark Gable in Gone with the Wind, “Frankly, Scarlet, I don’t give a damn.” Happened,so let’s just recognize what RJ did and does and move on, out of sight and out of mind (oh yes, right).

Finally, I really appreciate your frankness. We saw Bill at a TOTA party at 80 Hamilton Place last month and I greeted him. That was it. What a jerk of a recruiter…I find it really hard to believe he had any success. He must have great tenacity or some other secret.

And take care: all this will pass.

5 years ago

Thank you, Greg. Your continued interest is appreciated.

5 years ago

the title “good girl” made my skin prickle. I know it well, and I know it from Bill. when someone is brave enough to share their story like this, it wakes people who have needed such a kick in their bottom up. reality floods in. I have had a killer headache since I read this and I am beyond grateful for it. Thank you Sasha.

5 years ago

Thank you, Anon. Sending love…